Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The One With The High School Reunion

I was in a hotel or conference center or mall when I started seeing a bunch of people I used to go to high school with.  I asked someone what was going on and it turns out that TC had sent an email to like half the school about some kind of event.  Somehow, the other half of the school found out and showed up anyway.  Some of asked the group, "Who wasn't invited by T?" and a whole bunch of people raised their hands.  

The event was related to Martial Arts tricking, which T had been doing.  I remember asking "She's doing my stuff now?"  At the end of the dream I started "sparring" with her, but we weren't making contact (yet) but in my mind I was fully preparing to kick the crap out of her.  

About half the people were actual people from real life high school, like LM, MS...

There was a guy who I didn't remember.  He had a lot of scars on his elbows and forearms like he had cut himself a long time ago.  There were also cuts in the side of a mountain and he had planted flowers in the cuts that made words, but only some of them made sense, the others were gibberish.  It was like how some people use tattoos to turn scars into something beautiful.  He was kind of upset and offended that I didn't remember him, as were some other people.  

He kept calling me either a blend of the words "Jin" or "Chink" or he kept swapping between the two.  I grabbed him by the hair and told him to stop saying that word, but he didn't really know what he was saying.  Someone had to look it up and explain to him that it was like the N word for Chinese people but there was an online definition (like Urban Dictionary) that referred to degrees of pressure while jerking off.  

He said "Oh my god, I didn't know." and was apologetic.

I ended up throwing a cup full of ice and water on a woman that I actually didn't recognize but knew was part of the popular girl clique.