Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The One With the Rude Lady at the Convention

I was at some sort of work-related convention at a huge center.  I was in the main lobby area trying to figure when I was supposed to go into the big room was where all the action currently was, but was at the moment filled with Japanese businessmen.  The announcer was speaking English, however, because I heard him say sarcastically, "Wow, look at the big orange gay pride flag..." but it was actually a confederate flag hanging up.  They were going to drive a car up a ramp through the flag like the Dukes of Hazard.  

The entrance was cordoned off and they were taking tickets from people when it was their turn to come in.  Tim H. from MM walked past me because it was his time to go in, and he took a bowling ball like everyone else was doing before going in, and rolled it up a two-railed track.  A ticket person said, "oh, so close."  It was like bocce where you had to roll your ball hard enough to knock someone out of place without going too far. 

Still trying to figure out my time, I figured I needed to have lunch first because my session must be after lunch.  The lunch area was a gigantic buffet with themed sections.  I walked by an Italian section that had various slices of pizza and spaghetti, and came to a Mexican section that had eggplant flatbread that looked good (Mexican? dream logic).  I went to get a tray, but the trays were all edible and there were multiples to choose from.  I think I chose an eggplant flatbread tray (again, dream logic) and went to get my eggplant flatbread, which had like 3 lengthwise slices of eggplant and cheese on each bread.  The lady before me had taken hers and was scraping one more slice of eggplant off the last flatbread (the one I wanted).  I said, "Thanks for taking toppings off the last piece of flatbread that I wanted."  She turned and she looked familiar.  I said, "Hey, I've yelled at you for something similar in the past, haven't I?"  She smirked and said, "Yeah you have.  Too bad."  She turned and walked away.  I was bummed but a person that was working the buffet came up to me and asked "Bet you didn't know you could ask for artisan cheese from the farmer's market." and she had a spatula of another piece of eggplant with special cheese that she put on the bread to replace the stolen piece.  I thanked her and took my food to the sitting area.

Unfortunately, the sitting area was several floors down from the buffet and all of a sudden my arms were full with my tray and shopping bags.  With full arms, I tried navigating between people in crowded areas and the stairs had people just sitting there or standing in the way.  A lady helped me get through one area and I said, "Thank you for being the only person that offered to help me this whole time!"  She replied, "Thank you for accepting my help without (I can't remember what she said here exactly but I think it was like 'grabbing onto me'); we understand each other!  Have a great week, great day!"  I kept trying to go down to the sitting area and she followed me.  I finally got to this place where I could go down, but it was big steps down into these terraced planters with no plants, just dirt.  I jumped down two levels, and the lady who helped me who was still above me said, "You DIDN'T just do that!" and laughed.  That's when I woke up.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The One With the Office Space for Lease

I was speaking with Irene, who was telling me that she is leaving a building that she was leasing and that it would be a good place for me to expand into as a second location for my business.  When I asked where it was, she gave me the name of a town in Connecticut but I had never heard of it and had no idea where in the state it might be.  I told her as much, and she said "It's near xxxx, and xxxx."  I don't remember the names of the towns but they were also ones that I had never heard of.  I looked it up on my phone and it was in the middle of nowhere, about an hour from the office I currently work out of.

We took a drive out there in separate cars, and you had to drive over a covered bridge, then had to drive through the hallway of a big barn with business on either side of the hall, then down a small road that ended in a tiny cul-de-sac and little parking lot.  The parking lot was for the building where her office was.  There was at least one other small business in the building, which was about the size of a medium-sized house.  

I decided it was too far away and wouldn't be much benefit.  I got into my car and put much socks on (for some reason I had taken them off), stepped out of the car briefly before I realized I had left the car in reverse and it started slowly backing up.  I jumped in and stopped it not long before it would have backed into the building.  

I turned around in the cul-de-sac, although a woman driving a Reminder car was coming down the small road at that point and stopped to talk to a woman who was walking, but she moved out of the way when she saw me trying to get by.

I put on Waze to get home, drove up the little road, through the barn and looked to my left and saw the road leading down to the water.  I came up sooner than I expected, so I had to back up and turn out.  I was driving down toward the bridge when Waze said, "In xxx feet, resurface.  Then we'll walk.  It will take one month."  I realized I wasn't heading to the bridge but to a wide hiking trail (probably a former road) that was partially flooded.  I turned around and started driving back to the barn but that's when I woke up.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The One With The Stunt Buddy

I dreamed that I was outside with some people, perhaps at a party or some other gathering.  At one point, there was a mist/miasma in the air that made you somewhat buoyant and I was able to pretty easily do a backflip.  Tricia and Justin from the tricking gym were a bit away practicing kicks and stuff when I yelled over to get their attention to show them, but then the scene changed.

Next, we were on a street and there was a car accident.  It was a strange mix of real life and not --- the car accident was real but also a stunt at the same time.  We were talking about it when suddenly Tricia started screaming because one guy from the car accident started shooting the other driver.  Somehow I knew that the one being shot was the "badder" of the two.  The was on all fours, crawling away, but had a gun at his hip.  The other guy looked like he was shooting him in the rear end.

Next I know there was a second car accident and somehow Tricia was involved.  I don't know if she was driving or a pedestrian but she was lying on her back in the road.  I ran over and said that I knew first aid and asked where she was hurt.  That's when I woke up. 

Background:  Tricia in real life recently performed some stunts where she was both hit by a car and was in car accidents.

Friday, March 3, 2023

The One Where I Get to Hug Wil Goodbye

In real life, my friend Wil recently died suddenly and I did not get to say goodbye, and his funeral was family-only.

In the dream, we were standing in an open field playing catch with a wiffle ball.  He was throwing the ball firmly and directly to me and I was catching it easily with one hand.  I was throwing it back in a little more complicated ways, but he also caught the ball; we didn't drop it once.

Eventually, I realized that he had died, and that it was a dream.  I ran to him and gave him a big hug and woke up crying, but feeling a bit happy that in some way I got to hug him goodbye.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The One With The High School Reunion

I was in a hotel or conference center or mall when I started seeing a bunch of people I used to go to high school with.  I asked someone what was going on and it turns out that TC had sent an email to like half the school about some kind of event.  Somehow, the other half of the school found out and showed up anyway.  Some of asked the group, "Who wasn't invited by T?" and a whole bunch of people raised their hands.  

The event was related to Martial Arts tricking, which T had been doing.  I remember asking "She's doing my stuff now?"  At the end of the dream I started "sparring" with her, but we weren't making contact (yet) but in my mind I was fully preparing to kick the crap out of her.  

About half the people were actual people from real life high school, like LM, MS...

There was a guy who I didn't remember.  He had a lot of scars on his elbows and forearms like he had cut himself a long time ago.  There were also cuts in the side of a mountain and he had planted flowers in the cuts that made words, but only some of them made sense, the others were gibberish.  It was like how some people use tattoos to turn scars into something beautiful.  He was kind of upset and offended that I didn't remember him, as were some other people.  

He kept calling me either a blend of the words "Jin" or "Chink" or he kept swapping between the two.  I grabbed him by the hair and told him to stop saying that word, but he didn't really know what he was saying.  Someone had to look it up and explain to him that it was like the N word for Chinese people but there was an online definition (like Urban Dictionary) that referred to degrees of pressure while jerking off.  

He said "Oh my god, I didn't know." and was apologetic.

I ended up throwing a cup full of ice and water on a woman that I actually didn't recognize but knew was part of the popular girl clique.  

Monday, August 23, 2021

The One With the Photoshoot and the Problematic Model

I was trying to take some photos of a woman I know named Mariel but her name in the dream was Anna.  I had my DSLR and we were in a sun room of a house I didn't recognize, but three sides of the room were large windows with blinds that were open to let the light in.

Anna was horrible at taking direction - she couldn't (or wouldn't) do what I was asking her to do, like turn her head in a certain direction, or adjust the position of her arms or shoulders.  I even tried posing her like a Barbie doll and she wouldn't hold that either.  I'd fix one thing, move on to the next, and she'd move the first thing I had fixed.

At one point there was a guy there (maybe a guy I know named Otavio) who was going to be in some shots with her.  He was sitting at a table near a window in front of a typewriter and she was supposed to look over his shoulder at what he was doing, or out the window pensively, but she wouldn't look in the right direction.

There was also another woman that I believe was a coworker or something, and she looked like Victoria Beckham, and we were both wearing large Anna Wintour style sunglasses and we had taken them off at one point while adjusting the scene and we had switched them by mistake.  I put hers on but they were too big, but then when I put mine on, she said that mine were too big and that I needed smaller ones (which is true, I need small frames for my face shape in real life and it's always a struggle finding them).

While adjusting the scene, we found that the "typewriter" was simply a stack of thin books (like that wouldn't have shown up in a photo).

Also at one point, we were trying to take photos on the street in a big city that looked like maybe New York, and a drag queen walked by and wanted me to take some photos with his disposable camera but then he walked away and just expected us to get the photos to him.

Friday, July 30, 2021

The One Where I Was the Musical Comedy Act, of Sorts.

I was in a restaurant and it was time for me to head downstairs to the first floor to the bar section where I was an act of sorts.  I went downstairs and sat at the piano, but I had a guitar.  There was one older gentleman with gray hair, he was balding, and had glasses.  I don't remember seeing a computer or laptop, but I got the impression that he was working somehow.

My thing was I was going to play somewhat funny music.  In the dream, I was about as good at the guitar as I am in real life, which means I only know a few chords and struggle with timely transitions.  I said that I was very good at guitar (obviously being sarcastic) and that I could "learn him" how to play guitar if he wanted.

I started playing the Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel but the lyrics were made up on the fly about how I hit an old woman with my car.  She had her hair up in one of those tiny buns on the top of her head and it left that shape in the side of my car when I hit her. 

The old gentleman found that somewhat amusing, so I kept the subject on her and would sometimes stop of make comments, like how some old lady's hair looks nice but when you go to touch it, it's wiry and rough.  At that, he laughed and nodded like I knew exactly what I was talking about.

I finished that song and asked him what I thought, and he joked that I was going to have to "learn him" how to play the guitar like that some time.  I mentioned that I was making up lyrics on the fly, and a nearby waitress chimed in with some lyric suggestions that I don't recall.  I started talking with her and I woke up.