Friday, January 15, 2010

The One with the Big Layoff

I was in my cubicle at work and everyone was looking out the windows.  There was a bunch of people outside and I think they laid off a whole division or sub and we were watching them leave all at once, kind of like a fire drill.

I went back to my cubicle and three of us were sitting in my cube with Mike (who didn't say a word), eating breakfast.  I was trying to tell Jeff about a dream I had with him in it, but there were two ladies who looked like lesbians who kept trying to listen.

I told them I couldn't tell the dream with them there but they didn't leave, and finally I said 'SHOO!'  And one said, "Was it a dream that they came and found porn on your work computer because you're so adorable?"  I said, "Yeah that's it!  Shoo!!"

I was eating something that I can't remember, Sarah was eating red jello and Jeff had creamy rice with peaches.  Sarah tried some of the rice and peaches but mixed it with her jello and was like, urm....  I thought about trying it but I asked Jeff if he was sick and he said yes.

Then I woke up.

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