Monday, January 21, 2008

The One Where I Worked at Big Y

I had a dream I wanted to make more money to buy a harp, so I got a job at Big Y. I was working at one location as a cashier, and I used a couple of different registers… one of them even had an old Apple computer attached to it – I can’t remember the reason why. But then they had me go to a different location in Westfield. I think it was 150 The street. It was definitely The street though…

I went looking for the store, but I had trouble finding it, so I called my mom. I asked where The street was (pronouncing it like “thuh” as usual but it was actually pronounced “thee”). She kind of explained where it was and I went looking for it. I had been heading in the wrong direction to start and these two women that worked at a local hospital (I assume as much because they were wearing scrubs) told me it was the other way, up a bunch of steps.

I went by a historic location called the "something" Gates… where "something" is the name of someone… I can’t remember the name, though. Then I had to go through this arcade area – it was like a plaza but all the stores were arcades… kind of like at an amusement park or something because there were railings everywhere. I kept jumping over the railings because they were in the way, and other people were too, but when they did, these girls that worked there would beat them up. The girls tried to beat me up, too, but I hit one back and they thought I was cute so they didn’t bother me much – they just flirted. I never did find the store… I found the street, but not the store.

1 comment:

Deanna Roux said...

Oh Dan you make me laugh!! I once had a dream that I worked at Big Y - wait, no I DID work at Big Y - it was more like a nightware though. I like the part of your dream where the girls didn't want to beat you up because you were too cute - made me giggle - and I agree!! You're way too cute to punch in the face. hehehe