I was over my uncle's, in a finished basement at something that resembled a sleepover. Two guys (both from work) and I were in a bed trying to sleep, but it was obviously difficult to get comfortable with all of us in the same bed. I took my pillow and a blanket and started to head upstairs to sleep somewhere else.
On the stairs, on the vertical part of one of the steps, was some sort of stickers or something (maybe Christmas-related stuff?) on display for sale. It was as if my aunt had a mini store going on in her home - like when people came to visit, she would try to sell them something. At the top of the stairs, kind of like it was the topmost stair itself, was a cash register for handling such transactions.
My cousin was in a room upstairs with her daughter and I remember thinking it was weird for her to be up so late.
Then we were somewhere else, in a car, driving into a gas station type of business. At this point I think I knew that my parents were divorced and my mom did not have custody of us (not sure if my dad did, either). We were looking for my sister and she was with my aunt and uncle at this gas station. There was a table outside in the parking lot with a bunch of cell phones and something else for sale. It seems my aunt and uncle (and maybe my cousin, too) had stolen the phones and were selling them there at the station (because maybe they knew the owner?).
Near the gas station was a house that my mom used to live in. It was boarded up and looked dangerous and it indeed was condemned.
My mom had a necklace that fell down the sink and she managed to get it out after some guy told her how to do that. When she retrieved it, she had to do so from the faucet, not from the drain. The necklace was damaged. This part appeared to be some sort of flashback because at the end of the dream, there was some sort of revelation that my mom had always worn a necklace that was made from the remaining parts of the original necklace that had fallen into the sink. I remember the new necklace had a clasp where one end is a closed circle and the other is like a post shaped like a bar that is inserted into the circle.
But it seemed like we were trying to find the original necklace but we finally realized that is what happened to it... she had been wearing it all along and we had forgotten that was remade.
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