Sunday, June 19, 2011

The One with Deborah Henson-Conant

The details of this dream are vague for me - I got paged for work at 2:00 and realized I had been dreaming...

I dreamed that I was a big outside music festival with a female friend I can't identify now.  It was night and it was one of those festivals with multiple stages with one large main stage.

We walked by Deborah Henson-Conant who was either in transition with her equipment or she was setting up to do her show just on the side of the sidewalk, similar to what she does in real life sometimes.  I stopped to say "hi" and take a photo with her.

My friend took the camera and I went to Deborah's left and we put an arm around each other like you normally do in a photo, but she kept leaning really far to the right, making us fall to the ground.  We tried a couple of times but I don't think we ever got the photo.

1 comment:

Deborah Henson-Conant said...

I promise I won't lean so far!