Thursday, January 12, 2012

The One With The Liver Cancer

Last night I had a dream that I had a tumor on my liver that had metastasized.  The dream occurred on a Friday and a dentist was due to remove my liver on the following day, in the evening.  It wasn't a transplant - they were just going to remove the liver, but it meant I was going to die - they essentially were going to put me down.

So the whole dream, I knew that I had about a day and a half to live and most of the dream was trying to get everything in order.

I wrapped up work where I'm currently employed and went to the place where I worked previously and returned a folder of work that I had kept with me for many years for some reason.  I was trying to make sure that all the loose ends of my life were tied up.  Mxxx, a lady I worked with was still there and I returned the work to her and updated her with what needed to be done.  Outside her office was Kxxx, I guy I worked for at my current employer and he was sitting at the desk in his office, but the desk was pushed against the door frame, with him facing out.

Next, I remember being in a house with a little African American girl that I don't think I knew in the dream, but I was telling her about stuff.  She was probably about 8 or 9 and she said, "Do you know what you're doing?  You're saying goodbye."  I said that I knew, and I started crying.

Then I was outside in her yard and the kids from her large family were walking in a line, single file, toward the house.  There were probably 10 or 12 kids.

I went to my parents' house next, and my mother and father were doing some work in the garage.  I asked my mom to call the dentist and ask for another week so I could have more time to get my life in order.  I wanted to sit down with my parents and let them know how my stuff and money needed to be allocated out.  My mom said that they wouldn't do it, but I remember telling her that it doesn't hurt to ask.

While my mom was making the call, I left the garage and stood in the driveway with my sister.  The little girl down the street was playing in the road near her house and I hid behind a tree so that she wouldn't see me and come over.  But the little girl's mother threw a frisbee into a large bush in my parents' yard, so the little girl headed over.  While I was in the driveway waiting, I heard my mom tell the doctor's office that the little girl had said that she was upset because Uncle Dan had pouty lips and looked confused.  She made that up to try to convince them to move the appointment.

My mom finished the call, and the administrative assistant named Joanne told her that the doctor wouldn't or couldn't move the appointment and that I'd just have to resent it.

I woke up in real life, recorded my dream on my phone, and when I went back to sleep I re-entered the dream.  The only thing I remember from the second round was that Jxxx was ignoring me even though I was dying.  He said that he had other stuff to do.

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